miércoles, agosto 29, 2007

Pajaritos en el parque Camba Cua ( Birds from Corrientes )

2 comentarios:

AsuKa DoNo dijo...

Que lindas fotos!!! Me hacen acordar a una canción que adoro:
Free as a bird,
it's the next best thing to be.
Free as a bird.

Home, home and dry,
like a homing bird I'll fly
as a bird on wings.

Whatever happened to
the life that we once knew?
Can we really live without each other?

Where did we lose the touch
that seemed to mean so much?
It always made me feel so...

Andrés dijo...

Free As A Bird de los Beatles, no lo concia, pero el Sr. YouT Ube me lo contó con imagenes aquí:

ciao ciao!